Sunday, March 09, 2003

People, people, we're all tired and horny

I think Mayor Quimby really said it best.

Sometimes, Korea, me no rikey. Other times, me rikey a lot. So it's kind of like anywhere, I guess, just without dryers. On the seventh day, God allegedly rested. Young Andrew, however, had three English lessons totaling 5 and half hours. He was paid for none of them, and he's too much of pansy to insist on payment. Sometimes I loathe that bitch. Now he is bathing in the iridescent glow of his libido-sucking computer, rambling on in the third person.Whatever. Things are status quo, I guess. No major bombings to report, aside from the normal carpet bombings in the middle-east. Had some yummy Vietnamese food today with one of my favorite students. Then he told me it was over between us. No more lessons, no more rice cakes, no more absurdly innocent questions about black people living Harlem, no more queries into the collective wealth of the Jewish race. No more compositions exploring the subtext of Michael Jackson's Heal the World ("I think he is trying to make the world a better place. Not just for you and me, but for the entire human race"). No more Peter. He told me he would call me. Sigh, I'll just have to commit to another selfless weekly obligation which makes me contemplate honorable suicide. America in April.