Thursday, September 11, 2003

For the rest-of-us, there's Festivus

Alright so I have some vacation time, and I can no longer forsake my blogging responsabilities for such cinematic gems as PCU and Jerry Maguire, so I will try to complete this entry in much the same way as Dorothy Boyd completes Jerry Maguire. As many of you know last Sunday was my 24th birthday, which was spent largely with me curled in the fetal position in my tiny bed warding off phone calls from loved ones in a desparate effort to sleep for five minutes more. It would have been quite the wasted day had not I partied like it was 1999 the night before. I had a great time on my birthday and I can safely say that no vomiting was involved, at least on my part, which always makes it a truly special occasion. This despite the consumption of Tequila, massive amounts of beer, kiwi soju, and a mystery drink tasting like something akin boxed wine mixed with Champale. Best Birthday ever. The day was unfortunately marred by a day of work, which was made a great deal easier by three, count them three class parties at school. In which Shrimp chips, Choco pies and napkins were distributed by me to my loving students. Some of these students gave me tokens of their appreciation ranging from pens and notebooks to a chocolate cake and three sticks of Odeng (A fish skin byproduct). These parties made me happy, although it left the secretary sad, as she had much to clean that weekend, but alas you only celebrate your birthday in Korea once, at least that's the plan. On to downtown, where I shared a predinner pitcher of beer with Rob, Sara and Fenton at a place called Festival American, which recalled the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer revives George's childhood holiday of Festivus. Christmas is for the masses, but for the rest-of-us there's a Festivus. Well said. From there we met Caleb at the Japanese seafood restaurant Yu-Me, where he handed me and ice-cream cake, a bouquet of plastic roses, and a deck of America's Most Wanted playing cards inside a Matzoball soup box. It was quite a collection. Eventually the rest of the guests filed in, I think there were around 15 or 16 of us in all, and then we gorged ourselves on fish, both raw and cooked, for the next hour in half. It was fantastic. Never have I supped on such tender fish flesh and had my personage celebrated at the same time, and it was tremendous. Lois also gave me a half-pound of cheddar cheese there. The night could never really top the pleasure of dining upon the fish, or "fishee" in Korean, but we drank our hearts out afterwards just to show that we had the eye of the tiger. We headed for a place called the Titanic, modeled not after the ill-fated ship but rather the crappy movie, to drink Soju and beer, and to consume the first of about five cakes which were eventually bequeathed to me. It was also here that I was feted Korean style and showered with whipped cream, fire and champale while a techno remix of "Happy Birthday" blares in the background, and strobelights pan the room. It was then that I wanted to puke most, and I hadn't even had the tequilla yet. After the Titanic, we went to a very dark place, in so many ways. The Commune is sort of a rock and roll dive with great music and style, but very little ventillation. Here the Irish girls that we had acquired at the Titanic forced me into new levels of drunken stupor, and it was here that Rob gave me the gift that keeps on giving, a shot of tequilla. While I received impromptu lessons if IRA toasts in Gaelic from Simon and the girls from Cork, I nearly past out several times. People kept on filling my cup, to the point where it runneth over and over. People I don't even know were liquoring me up, including one fellow dressed like Jesus. (Pre last supper, Romantic conception of him). I resorted to emptying glasses of beer in the toilet, which Fenton called me on right away. It was here that I though I would die, but surprisingly I didn't (Thank you Jesus. For the beer I mean) and somehow I stumbled to the Gypsy Rock where I got my arse spanked in pool, but, playing pool implies maintining verticality, and that much I did, and even begain to drink again. From there I went home, after losing most of the people in attendence at an undetermined point. Still I was quite happy with the night, and it was one for the ages. Good times. I think Caleb's photos are better than mine, so check out his gallery, near the bottom, but also I have updated my own, feel free to check that out as well. Also, here is a picture of a Dung Beetle. Enjoy.

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