Friday, October 31, 2003

As I watch Southern California burn to the ground from my cold one room apartment in South Korea, it strikes me how lucky I am to live, well, in Northern California. What a week it continues to be, lots of goodbyes, lot's of frantic packing, lots of half-assed mask-making at school, and what else? A lot of freaking cuteness at school. Frequent hugs, and some unprecedented moments of tender insanity, like this bizarre exchange.

Andrew teacher: Children this will be my last day at school, will you cry when I'm gone? (finger trailing down my cheek, where tears would be if I could still cry--botched facelift, 1999)

Korean Child: Why are you leaving?

Andrew teacher: I want to see my family.

Korean Child: But, teacher, we are your family now.

Andrew teacher: (Sickening shudder) Let's move on to the lesson, then

And who could forget this?

Andrew teacher: Sang-Ho, how are you?

Sang-Ho: I'm terribum

Andrew teacher: You mean terrible?

Sang-Ho: No. I'm terror bomb. New York City, you know?

Andrew teacher: I know. I don't live there. Sang-Ho your ears are very big. (wide arm movements indicating massive proportions of ears)

Sang-Ho: I am Buddha ears.

Andrew teacher: You certainly are, my friend. Good night sweet prince.

One of my favorite students, a delightful deviant named Gwak Hae Jin, who always asks me about my sexual practices and various methods of birth control, asked me to sing some Eagles' songs in class yesterday. I could only think about the scene in the Big Lebowski where the Dude asks the cab driver to turn off the music. ("It's been a long day, man, and I really hate the Eagles") Then he told me I had an erection. I was pretty sure I didn't, because this class hardly turns me on as some of my others do, but I looked down anyway. Nothing doing. What to say? I told him that this is what it looks like in a normal homeostatic state. He looked at me and said, "so this is what it sounds like when doves cry." Not the Eagles, but this kid knows his stuff.

The last precious moment which I must share was a letter from one of my private students, who Patrick used to teach. The first line reads, "Actually, I like you better than Patrick". Man, I can't wait to show that letter to Patrick.

Okay, on to my last day of teaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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