Monday, March 07, 2005

Two consecutive days of blogging? I'm setting a dangerous precedent here, for my audience of one. All told, I had an extremely shitty day today. Some late night whiskey and cokes have left me feeling more than braindead. I believe I've reached the limits of how far my natural abilities to speak French can take me. I need to take some courses if I'm to ever master this wretched tongue. I say that only because I speak just well enough for people to expect me to communicate effectively all the time. This is not really too much to expect, not unreasonable at all, but I am painfully incapable of expressing any abstract thought at any given moment. Actually I can be pretty lame at even communicating very basic ones, for that matter. It's difficult to maintain a rational point of view, or a strong opinion when you're not capable of putting it into words. Ironically, it's difficult to express this sentiment even in English. Perhaps I'm just an idiot. Met an important client who was pretty much eager to eat up whatever I said, but didn't manage to emit a coherent noise throughout. Did spill my coffee spectacularly, however, I almost forgot. Everyone was very impressed. Me in business situations is some comical shit. There is a profound sadness about it as well. I'm like the tragic clown Pagliacci.
My overall effort at lunch would have made Millhouse proud. Wah-lah.

I hope that one day, long after my eventual death from frostbite, this blog will be considered part of the new 'blogging revolution' I hear so much about. I could make or break a presidential canditate with my extensive fact-checking and rigorous research.

Watched a documentary about Ron Jeremy yesterday, I thought I should mention that. The 'hedgehog' was one decent looking jew in his hey dey, but oh how the times have changed.

I use the famous phrase 'Peace out' to end my entry because I have introduced this saying to the customers as an acceptable way to finish a business letter or conversation. Comical I tell you.
Peace out

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