Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Mr. Arnon Goes to Daegok

No phone, no hotwater and no internet make Andrew something something...

Go Crazy?

Don't mind if I do....

So the move has happened, and it's a mixed bag.

Pro: Building was built this decade-- hardwood floors, airconditioning, cable tv, internet conection possible.

Con: Truly in the sticks of a city that is relatively in the sticks of the country anyway. My apartment borders a creek, acres of farmland, and that's about it.

Pro: Four, count them four, foreigners live in the same building as me! That's four times the amount I'm accustomed to seeing on the streets of Sangin. The new apartment mates could all be pedophiles for all I know, but the fact remains that their pigmentation is caucasian rather than asian, and we all know how important it is to put the cauc in front of the asians sometimes.

Con: There were so many things wrong with the statement above, we'll just leave it that.

Pro: The days of walking through the courtyard and dodging naked children are over, people--I can't emphasize that enough. The family that once lived below me is now, well, behind me.

Con: My new apartment is really small. My bed is inches away from my refrigerator, and it's soothing white noise comforts me as I drift into slumber with images of naked korean children dancing in my head.

I must end with the Con of all Cons-- Somehow in the mad rush to move all my crap, I misplaced my Precious. (And by that I of course mean my Mach 3 razor, the only thing that effectively seperates men from monkeys. Tails and opposable thumbs aside) Assshhhiiiiii!

For the truly inspired:

Andrew Arnon
1420-4 Do Won Dong apt.#301
Dalseo-gu, Daegu, South Korea

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