Monday, August 25, 2003


One week in my new apartment has come and gone, and I am pleased with my new digs. This weekend, however, was a bit of a bust with nothing too interesting to report, so I won't. I will say that wearing a soccer jersey downtown is an open invitation for attention, both good and bad. Living in soccer-worshipping nations is good fun, and it's something you miss out on when you live in the states, although I'll take a pass on the hooliganism. One incident worthy of note for it's abject patheticness (is that a word?) on Saturday was a sad exchange between myself and a balding Canadian named Marciel, who upon recognizing me immediately began discussing his underactive thyroid gland and his waning libido. I sure know how to pick 'em. I quickly left him after encouraging him not to die in Korea. Sunday's highlight was an e-mail from one of my students with a heading which read "SUPER IMPACT EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!" In it, he offered me the use of a bicycle for the duration of my stay in Korea. I think that the message merited such a title, don't you? Transportation is important, yo. In other news, I think that my computer has contracted the worms and viruses that are currently plaguing the states, so I apologize if people are receiving infected e-mails from my account. Also I ate some delicious fish this weekend, which deserves a mention. I did manage to check out a couple of basketball games at the Universiade games which are currently being held in Daegu, and that was a good fun. Took a few pictures and I'll post them soon. Otherwise the countdown to my birthday commences: 2 weeks and counting.

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