Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Squid Wars

Teaching provides occasional insight into the complex inner workings of the Korean child, the exploration of which was my primary mission in coming to Korea. Yesterday some of my students and I engaged in an impromptu battle of dried-squid throwing. We wasted nothing, in the style of the great Native-Americans. We tossed squid eyes, legs and torsos at each other, culminating in a squid leg to the cheek launched by one brave lass. She thought the last laugh would be hers, as she threw it and quickly ran to the bathroom, but she underestimated my guile and grit. To my delight, I heard an awkward hiss from the teacher's lounge when she discovered the surprise I left in her pencil case. I tell you, it really doesn't get any better than squid wars. Today it rains heavily, and I blog from the PC bang, because my computer is on the brink of destruction. In a desperate effort to outdo Michelle, my friend Asma has gone and broken her arm, although in fairness she was hit by a car, while Michelle was merely clinging to pole in a nightclub, in true stripper fashion. Alright, I wasn't supposed to know that, but the secret is out. What's she going to do, she's in Jacksonville for God's sake. Booyah.

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