Saturday, February 01, 2003

Day 1 of the web log actually marks the third month anniversary of my inexplicable stint in South Korea, one of the many sources of inspiration for creating this site. Eventually I hope to include an archive of photos, links to some of my more cogent ramblings, and possibly some blinking lights on the page (epileptics beware), and this will happen just as soon as I learn how this might be accomplished. Until then, I suppose you could if you want to encourage, chastise or advise me in anyway. Is it wise to give out that info? Who knows? I'm new at this. Notice that my address is not a link, merely bold text (in every sense of the term)--something I hope to remedy in the future. It just occured to me that people probably don't want to hear about my web-programming foibles, so I will put an end to that: I'm just trying to lay the foundation for a beautiful thing, people, be patient. I hope that this page might serve as a means to inform my loved ones and well-wishers of my misadventures in lieu of lengthy and confusing mass e-mails. Instead, they can read lengthy and confusing postings at their leisure. Also, this page provides the ideal forum for me to vent my bitter dissapointment in the San Francisco Giants for their stunning collapse in games 6 & 7 of the 2002 World Series. If I had a web-cam, you would now be witnessing a lot of fist-shaking and teeth-gnashing. Why? Because it still hurts. It simply still hurts. Anyway, I don't have a web-cam, and this is probably for the best.

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