Saturday, February 01, 2003

What's with the name of the site?

Tis true, I find myself questioning the raw sex appeal of this web address from time to time. Let me explain how it came to be, or rather why I cannot change it. Initially, I wanted to include some reference to San Francisco within the address because of my strong affinity and great appreciation for my hometown's many splendors. I am consistently disappointed and oftentimes disgusted with the silly nicknames that San Francisco has somehow acquired (Frisco, San Fran, Homo Heaven etc). As Herb Caen and numerous others have pointed out, a native San Franciscan would never utter such blarney. Frankly, the very presence of these inane abbreviations reeks of Canadianism. (Especially 'Homo Heaven', that's what the say in the homophobic provinces, let's say Saskatchewan). Anyway, during my final few weeks in Homo Heaven, a couple of my friends casually referred to The City as the "Sco". Very nice, I thought. It eliminates the fluff and sheer stupidity of the other labels, and effectively shortens the name without losing any punch (or cachet). Plus, its got street credibility, and you can't put a price on that. Hence, the first syllable. 'Rep' is short for representative or representation or republican or report or repaint. In this case I mean everyone of those things... except the last three. Essentially, the premise was that I was somehow "representing" (a frequently used urban cliché, in the same vein as 'keeping it real' and 'saving the proverbial drama for your proverbial mama') San Francisco not only in my writings and postings but also in my travels, which have brought me far from the Sco, and left me with a quiet nostalgia and longing for home as well as intense pride for my city. So there you have it. Scorep. Not very pretty, is it? ScoReppin would be better. Please don't take that name, it's my intellectual property or something. Anyway, if I knew how, I would change the name.

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