Saturday, February 01, 2003

Hello! This is my first amateurish attempt to launch my own web log/ website. The public outcry for such a website has been frankly overwhelming (and by overwhelming, I of course mean non-existent). Despite this, I have always wanted to dabble in the web-game, after conquering such mundane arenas as the rap game and the crack game, and so I give you the first incarnation of I anticipate a huge number of bugs in the early going, as I am basically following the instructions of the blogger website, but with time, effort and enough positive feedback, I am confident that I can turn this website into one of the millions of bizarre, anonymous and mildly entertaining points of interest on the interweb. I should say that I am neither computer geek nor guru, but merely a connoisseur, (nay, an afficionado), of amusing web crap. My experience is limited, but not my imagination. So, with little regard for spelling and grammatical errors, I hereby declare this website to be open for perusal.

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